We are your commercial aggregation partner for your content deployment

Furthermore we are able to facilitate worldwide releases, taking care of all technical needs if applicable.
ODMedia is specialised in content aggregation for leading digital entertainment platforms such as Netflix, iTunes (AppleTV), Google Play, Amazon, Roku, Plex and many other global platforms.
Our strength lies in our close connections to these digital retailers, where visibility is crucial for the commercial success of content. We handle the operational, editorial and financial processes for you with these leading digital platforms and retailers. This allows you to focus on your core-activities while we maximize your revenues, effectively and cost-efficiently.
Our experience in content aggregation, together with our extensive network of connected platforms, gives us a unique position for assisting you to conquer the world digitally with your content. Besides these OTT platforms, we can also commercially assist you with the delivery to IPTV/Cable operators worldwide.
We also offer services to premium content owners on one of the world’s largest and most popular online video platform, YouTube. You are always in control, but we protect your copyright, manage your content and build a complete strategy for your movies, series, music, created content and channels. Our strength lies in our extensive knowledge of channel and rights management on YouTube, the digital landscape and the processing and distribution of all types of content. From this strong foundation we have built further and also facilitate AVOD / FAST deployment into the leading global platforms.